Life of a TD.

Rewind the clock to about 30 days ago. My start-up E-Commerce business is going into it's second year. I have acquired an amazing team of Brand Ambassadors to represent my brand, and they are killing it in the sales department. I am busier than previous year, which is amazing, and I have a positive outlook on the future. I also, just began a new semester of college, while also holding down a 50 hour per week job, while married with a 6 year old daughter at home. life is chaotic to say the least. And that is a significant understatement. 

It was already known that the local disc spot had closed its doors in December leaving a massive gap in the local disc market. So, just from a strategic standpoint I am focused on trying to fill that gap in the market. But where will I find the time. I have no retail space, my business is strictly web based. or maybe not?

The phone rings. One of my Ambassadors has been taking calls from local players inquiring if Hyzer Disc Sports is going to fill the vacuum and run the annual Local tournament nearby. Apparently this was undertaken by the now defunct disc shop and people are hoping I would step up and deliver. I have ZERO clue how to run a tournament. While I have seen the flow from participating in many tournaments, I have never been responsible for running one. Can I? Should I? Is there any benefit? A million thoughts ran through my head, but all external pressures were telling me this was a great idea. The next day I call my Ambassador back and told him I would take the reins and put on the tournament. And so begins the journey into the unknown.

This blog will follow my struggles and triumphs as I go from registered player to Tournament Director. Little has been documented about the process and undertaking necessary to pull off a successful tournament, so I will try to deliver my failures and milestones here so that others may chart a simpler path on their road to becoming a TD. Stay Tuned.


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Meet the Disc Golf Blogger

ADDICTIVE, is probably the best way to describe the game of Disc Golf. There is something about the simplicity of the game, the ease of...